The Aesthetic of Online Casinos: Design Trends Influencing User Experience in India

The Aesthetic of Online Casinos

The digital landscape of India is witnessing a remarkable transformation, particularly in the realm of online gambling. As the sector burgeons, propelled by an annual growth rate of 8.59% from 2023 to 2027, the fusion of technology and traditional Indian aesthetics is crafting a unique user experience. This article delves into the evolving design trends […]

How to Create and Sell Stunning Gambling-Themed Digital Art on Etsy

selling casino art etsy

Gambling-themed digital art is an ever-popular niche that appeals to customers of various demographics. Creating and selling gambling-themed art on platforms like Etsy can be both profitable and fulfilling, so this article will explore why this niche is so favored, along with tips for producing stunning gambling-themed digital pieces that sell. Gambling-inspired digital art is […]

Testing (Film) Fixer For Exhaustion

Film fixer can be re-used repeatedly — but how do you tell when it is exhausted? The classical trick is to check the clearing time, i.e. the time it takes for the film to go clear in the fixer.

Choosing Black and White Films

To this day, we believe that if you want the finest possible black and white prints, black and white film is the way to go.

How Do I (And Why Should I) Load 35mm Bulk Film?

You can save quite a lot of money by loading 35mm film from bulk, and you can load whatever lengths you want. You can also experiment with odd rolls of bulk film that you buy cheap or indeed are given.

Processing Sheet Film In A Paterson Orbital

Processing sheet film is a perennial problem, especially for the beginner. The Paterson Orbital tank, designed for processing colour prints, is extremely useful for formats up to 8×10 inches.

Kodak Ektar 100 film

Ektar 100 is an odd film. It’s incredibly rewarding if you use it properly, and quite close to a disaster if you don’t.

Shirley Wellard

Introducing the Shirley-Wellard Type C Universal Cassette. Instructions for loading and using the universal cassette and Instructions for adjusting.

Choosing Reloadable Cassettes

The vast majority of cassettes for 35mm cameras can be divided into two types, the sort with a fixed velvet-lip light trap and the labyrinthine type.

Paper Grades

At their most basic, paper grades could hardly be easier to understand or to master. Paper grades range from 00 (very soft) to 5 (very hard).